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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soya-mixed Meat-$2 "The Secret Famous Cuisine!"

Soya-mixed meat is a very common street food in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. We use soy sauce, water, garlic, crystal sugar and scallion as the base of the soup. Then we put in ingredients such as pork, chicken feet, chicken wings, tofu or any other food you want. Waiting for one-two hours when the ingredients are soaked with the soup. Here's the tip, add in Coke can make the meat tastes more tender! Usually, we'll have it as one of the dishes or night snack!

Here you can find soya-mixed meat in Flushing! This restaurant is well-known for its duck wings. Normally, it will sell out before 12pm. For $2 you can get 12 duck wings!

Full House Seafood Restaurant 富記燒臘
136-14 38th Ave. (Main St.)New YorkNY 11354
(718) 358-0666
Price: $2-$15



滷味!!!! 平民美食阿~~~~這一盒滷味12隻只要兩塊錢!!!!!!!! 聽說中午12點以前就會銷售一空啊!!!!!! 想念滷味的大家不妨去試試看吧~~~記的要早一點去排隊喔!!!!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Lamb Kebab-$1 "The Cheapest Night Snack You Could Ever Have!"

Xinjiang is famous for its kebab including lamb, beef, chicken and squid. They use special seasoning to add flavor to the meat. Each of them only costs you $1 dollar! There's a lot of stands selling kebab in Flushing. In Taiwan, it's a very common and popular night snack. Normally, we'll have kebab with beer. Food is always a good way to release pressure!

Here's the video of how the kebab is roasted. It has this smoky flavor because of the charcoal they use to cook the meat. You can choose you want it to be spicy or not. I personally love mild spicy because it's just goes well with the lamb!

Stand: Xinjiang Kebab
Address: At the corner of Sanford St. or 41 Avenue.
Price: $1


新疆羊肉串! 在台灣夜市隨處可見的羊肉串在法拉盛也到處都是喔! 最美妙的是每一串都只要一美元! 可以選羊肉、雞肉、牛肉或是魷魚 不愧是最經濟實惠的消夜啊! 歡迎大家嚐嚐!

Manji Dessert-$3 "Asian Dessert That You Must Try After Meals!"

Manji Dessert provides all kinds of Asian dessert includes sago, red bean soup, sweet balls and grass jelly. You can combine any ingredients that you like and make your favorite dessert. My favorite is sweet balls with red bean soup. It's the best comfort food in this freezing winter!

You can also try their best-seller "mango pancake". This is a thin crepe wrapped around a chunk of mango and cream. It is very light and easily eaten!

Store: Manji Dessert 滿記甜品
Address: 136-20 Roosevelt Ave New World Mall Food Court FlushingNY 
Price: $3-$10




Sunday, November 24, 2013

Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice-$6 "The Most Famous Taiwanese Street Food! "

How could you not try this once this irresistible braised pork rice ? This is one of the most famous Taiwanese street food. It's really common to see in Taiwan. It's famous for its minced pork which is marinated with soy sauce that intensify the flavor of pork. Normally, we'll put pork, stewed egg, bamboo and some vegetables on top of the rice. 

Minced pork rice is a Taiwanese-style donburi (rice covered in sauce) commonly seen throughout Taiwan and southern Fujian province. The flavor may vary from one region to another, but the basic ingredients remain the same: ground pork marinated and boiled in soy sauce served on top of steamed rice.(Wiki)

Restaurant:  廟口小吃

Address: Flushing Mall 
133-31 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354

Price: $2-$10

Don't forget to try other traditional Taiwanese street food that can make your day!



滷肉飯!!!!!!!!!!多麼道地又令人懷念阿~~~~~~位於法拉盛的廟口小吃顧名思義就是賣各式各樣的台灣小吃,當中包含草仔粿、還有ㄍㄨㄚˋ包 懷念家鄉美食的朋友們不妨到這裡來尋找道地台灣味吧!

Peking Duck Sandwich-$1"Get a Little Bit Taste of The Famous Pecking Duck!"

Peking duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the imperial era, and is now considered a national dish of China.The dish is prized for the thin, crisp skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by the cook. Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven. The meat is eaten with pancakes, scallion, and hoisin sauce or sweet bean sauce.

You can get a full Peking duck cuisine in Flushing and normally it will cost you around $20-$30 dollars. Here you get to try a little bit taste of Pecking duck by spending only $1 dollar! 

Restaurant: Corner 28 旺角28

Address: 4028 main street Flushing, New York 1135
(718) 886-6628
Price: $1-$15

They also sell all kinds of Chinese food including fried rice, noodles, soups and other duck cuisine. (Link to their foursquare and see the menu!)Try their Pecking duck sandwich and you'll fall in love with the sweet sauce and the crispy skin and tender meat!


旺角28坐落於繁華的main street上,閒北津烤鴨太貴嗎? 嚐嚐看它們的北京烤鴨三明治只要一塊錢,保證好吃又便宜喔! 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tianjin Breakfast-$1 "The Authentic Flavor That Could Give You the Energy for the Whole Day!"

Tianji is a metropolis in northern China and one of the five national central cities of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It is governed as one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of the PRC, and is thus under direct administration of the central government. (Wiki)

Other than that, Tianji is very famous for its street food and cuisine. Its food is full of history and culture and is very different from the others. This was my very first time trying authentic Tianjin food in my life. Their breakfast is pretty much similar to Taiwanese breakfast yet a little bit different. But I really liked the taste! You had so many different choices and most importantly, it was so cheap that only cost me and my friend $3 dollars each! The store is located in 
Golden Shopping Mall.

Store: 盛津
Address: Golden Shopping Mall, Flushing

Price: $1-$10

This is a really famous Tianjin street food "驢打滾". It made of red bean and flour. $1/each



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Taiwanese Dim Sum-$5 "Food can be delicious and cute!"

Have you ever seen dessert like this? It looks so cute that I don't want to eat it all. The Taiwanese restaurant sells all kinds of Taiwanese street food and they try to make your food experience different. Food can be delicious and adorable!


Store: Diverse Dim Sum 不一樣點心
Address: 133-31 39th Ave FC6 Flushing, New York 11354  (Flushing Mall)
Tel: (718) 395-8188
Price: $1-$10

Don't forget to try their noodles too!


Pot Sticker-$1"The Cheapest Street Food in Flushing!"

Pot Stickers are actually fried dumplings. Dumplings are made of pork and vegetables. Normally we have boiled dumplings and dip them with soy sauce. I personally love fried dumplings because of the crispy texture.

Living in New York, the breakfast that I could normally get are sandwich and burgers. However, in Asian, we have steam bread or rice bun for breakfast. This store is right next to Monster KTV. It looks shady but the food is authentic. The best thing is that their food is really cheap! See the fried dumplings above, it only cost me $1.25 dollars!

Store: 朱記鍋貼
Address: 40-52 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354
Tel: (718) 353-6265
Price: $1-$10

Miss the traditional Asian breakfast? Order a steam bun and a cup of soy milk can give you the energy for the whole day. oh, and don't forget to buy a bag of frozen dumplings with  you! 



想念台式早餐嗎? 這家位於錢櫃KTV旁的朱記鍋貼賣的不只水餃,有油條、包子、還有好久不見的鹹豆漿!!!!!! 重點是價格實在很便宜阿~~~~~~~非常適合留學生們,記得外帶冷凍水餃煮午餐和晚餐都很方便喔!

Egg Tart-$2 "The Best Asian Dessert You Could Get in Flushing!"

The egg tart or egg custard tart (commonly romanized as dan tat) is a kind of custard tart pastry found in Portugal, England, Hong Kong and other Asian countries, which consists of an outer pastry crust that is filled with egg custard and baked. (From Wikipedia)

It's a popular dessert in Taiwan and Hong Kong. I love the crispy crust with the sweet egg custard in it. You have to eat it when it's still hot. It's the best dessert after dinner!

Now, you can find the best tart in Flushing!

New Flushing Bakery
New World Mall 40-21 Main St FlushingNY 11354
(718) 539-6363
Price: $2-$10

You can also make the tart by yourself!



蛋塔!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 這家位於法拉盛的麵包店賣的蛋塔我個人還蠻喜歡的 酥脆的外皮和甜甜的內餡,大家如果去法拉盛吃飽飯想吃甜食不妨去買買看他們家的蛋塔吧!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ku Shang Taiwanese Cuisine-$8 "The Most Famous Taiwanese Restaurant in New York!"

Ku Shang is the translation from Mandarin. The word means hometown. In this case it means Taiwan. The restaurant has been opened for more than 10 years. The owner Nancy and her family moved to the U.S in 1977. She said at first, she didn't like to cook at all. She was just helping her husband and it really was a tiring job to open a restaurant especially when you have to take care of a family. But now all the clients are like her family. She likes to cook for them and see them feeling satisfied.

Ku Shang restaurant is now opened for more than ten year. Almost all the Taiwanese hear of the restaurant because of word of mouth. The owner said that Ku Shang restaurant will only maintain one spot in Flushing. She said she wants to control the quality of the dishes. People come to their restaurant not only for the  food, but also for the emotional connection with their hometown Taiwan.

Sometimes my friends and I will go to Flushing for their dishes. It makes you feel like your home. Even though you're so far away.

Restaurant: Ku Shang 故鄉台菜
Address: 135-40 39 Ave, Flushing, NY 11354

Tel: 718 888 8798

Price: $5-$20


故鄉台菜!是家非常有名的台灣餐廳呢!幾乎來這裡的留學生都會知道ㄛ 十幾年的味道 道地台灣味!朋友聚餐不妨去試試看八!

Shiny Tea-$3 "The Best Drink That Could Warm Your Heart!"

Shiny Tea is another famous tea franchise in Taiwan. Though the tea store is relatively now compares to others, it established its name with it's good quality tea and the innovative tea flavors. I personally love their healthy tea category. They use Chinese herbals to make teas that have different functions. For example, ginger black tea can keep you warm in the frigid winter. Pu-erh tea can burn your calories. Also they have all kinds of  fruit vinegar that could keep you in good shape. They also have bubble tea which is a signature of their brand.

Store: Shiny Tea  FB: Shiny Tea
Address: 136-19 38th Ave. Flushing, NY 11354 |世界書局一樓 • World Journal Bookstore 1F

(718) 888-1781

Price: $2-$5

The first snow is coming. Go to Shiny Tea and get yourself a cup of warm bubble tea with red beans!


雖說飲料店大同小異,但由於甜度和調製手法不同也是有分比較好喝和比較不好喝低! 響茶大家很熟悉吧 在紐約的法拉盛也有一家響茶分店喔! 他們的飲料不會太甜喝起來質感也不錯,建議大家可以去這家道地台灣茶的飲料店試試看喔! 

Rice with Spare Ribs-$7 "The Unforgettable Flavor for Taiwanese Students "

Rice with deep fired spare ribs is a common dish in Taiwan. We'll have it for lunch or dinner. One of my friends who have stayed in New York for more than five years told me that I could find the authentic Taiwanese flavor here in Flushing. The restaurant is 66 Lu's Seafood. It's a Taiwanese restaurant that sells all kinds of Taiwanese street foods and traditional dishes.

Restaurant: 66海之味 66 Lu's Seafood
Address: 38-18 Prince Street  Flushing, NY 11354
Tel: (718) 321-0904

Price: $5-$20 

Their fried ribs tasted like the one that I used to have when I was in Taiwan. It's juicy and tasty. Moreover, it's cheap. The dish only costs you $7 dollars. I couldn't even finish it because you can get a lot amount of food by only spending $7 dollars. They also sell all kinds of meat over rice. Go try the one you like!


學生最愛排骨飯~~~~~這家位於法拉盛的66海之味賣的是正港台菜,其中最有名的就是他的到地原汁排骨飯喔! 只要七塊錢包準你吃到撐,懷念排骨便當嘛?請來這裡與他重逢吧!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ay-Chung Noodles-$5 "One of the famous restaurants in Taiwan! "

Oamisoir is the English name for a kind of noodle soup that is popular in Taiwan. Its main ingredients are oysters and misua (Taiwanese vermicelli). A tan-brown variety of vermicelli used for this dish is made primarily with wheat flour and salt, and gains its unique color due to a steaming process which caramelizes the sugars in the dough allowing it to be cooked for longer periods without breaking down. An alternative is vermicelli with large intestine, in which oysters are substituted with small segments of pig's large intestine

Ay-Chung Noodles was founded in 1975. The picture was taken in Taipei, Taiwan. As you can see people are always lining up for their noodles. They have their secret recipe that makes their noodles different from the others. I was thrilled to find there's one Ay-Chung Noodles in Flushing, New York! They have different flavors and food that go with noodles. Try this for authentic Taiwanese flavor!


Store: Ay-Chung Noodles 阿宗麵線
Address: 133-31 39 Ave Flushing, NY 11354 (Flushing Mall)
(718) 762-9000
Price: $3-$10



阿宗麵線~~~~~這也不用多說了吧 紐約真是什麼都有,阿宗麵線位於flushing mall,想念大腸麵線的各位不妨前去嚐嚐吧!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Two Peck Crispy Chicken-$5 "The famous Taiwanese fried chicken chain store is now in Flushing! "

2 Peck Crispy Chicken is originally from Taiwan. By using unique chicken processing technology and exclusive Chinese medicine formula as the features of the snacks. Crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. If you try it just once you will remember it forever!
The store is so famous in Taiwan that everybody knows it.  The crispy tender chicken fillet is what makes them famous. If you want to try authentic Taiwanese street foods, you should definitely try their chicken!

Store: 2 Peck Crispy Chicken 
Address: 136-55 Roosevelt Ave.Flushing, New York 11354

(718) 539-6638
Price: $3-$10

They also have all kinds of Taiwanese authentic street foods including bubble tea, steam buns, and fried tofu. Trying to stay up late for work or for studying? Now you have your new night snack choices!



這我不用多說了吧 今年暑假派克雞排在紐約也有分店了!!!大家快去一解鄉愁阿~~~

Mixed Spicy Food Pot-$8 "My favorite dish in Flushing!"

This food is originated from Sichuan province in China. The region is famous for its spicy food because of its stuffy weather. Spicy food pot is one of the popular dishes in Flushing because of its unique flavor. It's not just spicy, the flavor of the food with its seasoning is unforgettable and irresistible . 

It's located in Flushing New World Mall B1. First, they provide all kind of food including vegetable, pork, lamb, beef, shrimp, potato, tofu, peppers, fish etc. that you can choose for your spicy food pot.  The price is dependent on how much food you get. Second, you can ask for the level of the spice. Normally, I'll go for mild. Third, you have to pay $5 dollars for the pot, but they'll give you back the 5 dollars once you return it.

Trust me, you'll love it!


留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

今天介紹位於法拉聖新世界地下一樓的麻辣香鍋,是我在法拉盛的最愛阿! 妳可以先挑選任何妳想吃的食物,然後再和店員要求辣度,最後就是一盆又香又辣又麻的麻辣香鍋!注意!店員會要求妳先付五元抵押盆子,吃完拿去還就可以把五元拿回來囉! 麻辣香鍋的味道真的很棒很建議大家去試試!