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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soya-mixed Meat-$2 "The Secret Famous Cuisine!"

Soya-mixed meat is a very common street food in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. We use soy sauce, water, garlic, crystal sugar and scallion as the base of the soup. Then we put in ingredients such as pork, chicken feet, chicken wings, tofu or any other food you want. Waiting for one-two hours when the ingredients are soaked with the soup. Here's the tip, add in Coke can make the meat tastes more tender! Usually, we'll have it as one of the dishes or night snack!

Here you can find soya-mixed meat in Flushing! This restaurant is well-known for its duck wings. Normally, it will sell out before 12pm. For $2 you can get 12 duck wings!

Full House Seafood Restaurant 富記燒臘
136-14 38th Ave. (Main St.)New YorkNY 11354
(718) 358-0666
Price: $2-$15



滷味!!!! 平民美食阿~~~~這一盒滷味12隻只要兩塊錢!!!!!!!! 聽說中午12點以前就會銷售一空啊!!!!!! 想念滷味的大家不妨去試試看吧~~~記的要早一點去排隊喔!!!!!!

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