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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Shiny Tea-$3 "The Best Drink That Could Warm Your Heart!"

Shiny Tea is another famous tea franchise in Taiwan. Though the tea store is relatively now compares to others, it established its name with it's good quality tea and the innovative tea flavors. I personally love their healthy tea category. They use Chinese herbals to make teas that have different functions. For example, ginger black tea can keep you warm in the frigid winter. Pu-erh tea can burn your calories. Also they have all kinds of  fruit vinegar that could keep you in good shape. They also have bubble tea which is a signature of their brand.

Store: Shiny Tea  FB: Shiny Tea
Address: 136-19 38th Ave. Flushing, NY 11354 |世界書局一樓 • World Journal Bookstore 1F

(718) 888-1781

Price: $2-$5

The first snow is coming. Go to Shiny Tea and get yourself a cup of warm bubble tea with red beans!


雖說飲料店大同小異,但由於甜度和調製手法不同也是有分比較好喝和比較不好喝低! 響茶大家很熟悉吧 在紐約的法拉盛也有一家響茶分店喔! 他們的飲料不會太甜喝起來質感也不錯,建議大家可以去這家道地台灣茶的飲料店試試看喔! 

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