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Monday, September 30, 2013

Chinese Shaved Ice Dessert-$5 "The Most Unforgettable Flavor"

Baobing (Chinese刨冰), also called tsua-bing (Chinese剉冰Pe̍h-ōe-jī: chhoah-peng in Taiwanese Hokkien), is a Chinese shaved ice dessert very common in ChinaTaiwanMalaysia, and Vietnam. It is especially popular during the summer. Baobing was eaten in China as early as the seventh century A.D.

No one can resist Baobing. 
To create the dessert, a large mound of ice shavings are first placed on a plate. Then a special machine is used, resulting in ice-shavings. Once you have a bowl of shaved ice, you can start to put the ingredient and the sauce onto the shaved ice. My favorite is red bean with condensed milk. The shaved ice is so thin that it will melt right away once you put the ice in your mouth.  I also love mango shaved ice during summer. The sour mango with sweet condensed milk and the shaved ice is a perfect match!

Though there's a lot of ice cream shops in New York, sometimes I just miss the flavor of Baobing. Luckily, I got to find this place in Flushing!

Store: 小圓環
Location: Flushing New World Mall B1
Tel: (718) 321-2828
Price: $5-$20

Trust me you would crave for it once you try it even it's winter!


留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!
這家位於法拉盛新世界地下一樓的小圓環賣的也是道地的台灣食物喔 ,對於阮囊羞澀的留學生來說可是最佳選擇啊! 來試試看這裡的刨冰吧! 保證讓你回想起學生時代的消夜歲月阿~~~~~

Chinese Rice-pudding Zongzi- $4.5 "A traditional delicacy with Chinese history "

Long ago during what is known as the Warring States period, there was a kingdom called Chu. Qu Yuan was an important minister and he had been known for his loyalty for his country and the emperor. At that time, there were also other kingdoms in China and they had frequent wars and minor battles. Of the seven states, Chu was the largest but Qin was the strongest.

Qu Yuan always advised his king to increase the wealth of his own people and build a strong military. The king had other ministers who always said that the king should not worry and he could continue to have great fun and enjoy himself. All of them were jealous of Qu Yuan and therefore they convinced the king that Qu Yuan was actually a traitor who gave seditious advice. Because of that, the king got very angry and finally banished Qu Yuan from the state of Chu. Qu Yuan went to his hometown in the countryside and wrote poetry expressing his concern for the emperor and his country.

In 278 BC, when Qu Yuan heard that the state’s capital was captured by the enemies, he tied himself to a big rock and then threw himself into the river of Puo Luo. The people of Chu rushed to that river trying to rescue their patriotic minister but it was too late. They then threw rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river as a sacrifice to his spirit as well as to stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan’s body. Some of the people would even row down stream in a boat, shouting out loud and beating drums in the hope to scare all the fish away – this was believed that it is how the popular Dragon Boat event is related to the festival.


Nowadays, Zongzi (or simply zong) is a traditional Chinese food that we must have on Dragon Boat Festival. It's made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings including shrimp, pork,egg or mushroom and wrapped in bamboo,reed, or other large flat leaves. They are cooked by steaming or boiling.

I love Zongzi because I can try so many different kinds of fillings all at once. And I love the texture of sticky rice. The shape of Zongzi is what makes it recognizable. 
You can have Zongzi as breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even night snack. Also, besides for the story, Zongzi has another special meaning. Because the pronunciation of Zongzi is similar to win, we'll have Zongzi before any important exams to bring good lucks.

Here in New York, you can find Taiwanese Zongzi from this online retailer. It has different kinds of Zongzi. You can choose the filling that you like. Don't miss the chance to try this traditional and historical cuisine!

Store: 王家肉粽 
Tel: 646-251-3016
Price: USD$4.50/PC (MOQ: 10PCS)


留學生省錢思鄉美食in 法拉盛!
王家肉粽! 其實也是我在打這篇網誌的時候搜尋到的哈哈 道地台灣燒肉粽 在紐約思鄉的時候特別需要這種暖心的食物阿~~~~看來他們是線上訂購,並沒有實體店面,喜歡的話就去臉書上面按個贊吧!

Taiwanese Oyster Omelette-$7 "Try it, love it, make it yourself!"

Oyster omelette is one of my favorite night snacks in Taiwan. It's made of oyster,eggs, vegetables and flour. On top of the ingredients is s
weet hot sauce. Somebody likes to eat it plain, but I like to eat it with the sauce because it intensify the whole flavor especially with the juicy oysters.

Oyster omelet is really easy to make. Here's the link to the tutorial.

Oyster omelette is a Chinese dish that is widely known in TaiwanFujian, and many parts of Asia for its savory taste. Variations of the dish preside in some southern regions of China although the actual taste and appearance of these can vary by a lot from the original version from Taiwan. Oyster Omelette is often sold in night markets, and has constantly been ranked by many foreigners as the top cuisine from Taiwan. (From Wiki)

There's another restaurant in Flushing that makes authentic Taiwanese foods. You can have a lot more options once you visit the restaurant in Flushing. I love their big tables which can accommodate more than 10 people. It's a good place for friends to catch up or celebrate birthday. People can seat together and talk together.     

Restaurant: 101 Taiwanese
Location: 135-11 40th RdFlushing 11354 (Between Prince & Main St)

Tel: (718) 886-8600
Price: $7-$40 (Varies on the dishes)

The posters show the famous spots in Taiwan.

留學生省錢思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

這家位於法拉盛的餐廳是由台灣人開的沒有錯~所以做出來的食物也是道地的台灣菜喔! 每次很多人要一起聚餐幾乎都會選這家去.如果偶爾想嘗嘗道地台灣菜但偏偏廚藝不好做不出來就到台灣101尋找道地台灣味吧!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Stew Potato, Chicken and Noodle-$6 "The best food to share with your friends! "

This stew is definitely good for dinner. It serves with chicken, potato, and noodles. You can choose spicy or mild. It really depends on how spicy you can accept. There's no way that you won't feel full after finishing this giant dish. You should definitely share it with your friends or you can't finish it alone. I shared this dish with one of my girlfriends and it only cost us $6 per person!

Location: Flushing New World Mall B1
Price:  Stew $12

They have a lot of dishes including stew and hot pot. I would suggest that you share one of the dishes together. The hot pot is the best comfort food in winter. You can try different kinds of food such as shrimp, tofu, chicken, and vegetable in one dish. And it only costs you less than $10 dollar!



留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

法拉盛的新世界地下一樓是美食天堂!!!有很多便宜又好吃的中式食物,上篇介紹的蜜雪香香雞也是在新世界地下一樓喔! 這次嘗試大盤雞真是便宜又大碗,女生三個吃差不多,個人建議主食可以點麵,入味的麵條加上鬆軟的馬鈴薯是我的最愛!

Chinese Bakery-$3 "It's time for moon cakes! "

This year 9/19 is Chinese Full Moon festival. It's a time for families to get together because in Chinese culture, a circle represents a reunion. Normally we have BBQ and moon cakes on Chinese Full Moon festival. Even though we're in American, still we can find the right food to celebrate this meaningful holiday.

Store: 飛達西餅 (Fay-Da Bakery)
Location: 37-11 Main St.Flushing, New York NY 11354

Price: $2-$40 (varied on different products, bread or cakes)

Fay-Da Bakery is a franchise. You can find it anywhere in Flushing, Chinatown, W4, or Forest Hills. They sell all kinds of breads and cakes. Its chicken roll is my favorite! There was one time I brought chicken roll to visit an American family. They all loved it!  It's great  to serve as appetizer or snack. Also, I highly recommend their sweet top bun. It's plain crusted top with no filling, and it's good to serve as breakfast! Both of them cost you around $2 each.

Try this and you'll fall in love with Asian tarts!



飛達西餅是我個人的最愛,朋友生日都是去飛達西餅買蛋糕的喔! 有別於美國蛋糕的死甜(這是台式用法嗎?!我中文好像越來越爛了...?) 飛達西餅的蛋糕由於是中式口味所以常適合亞洲人喔!我最愛它們的雞捲和叉燒酥了,外酥內軟熱熱的吃最好吃的了! 重點是便宜阿這價位在紐約真的是太平易近人了! 


Taiwanese Fried Chicken Fillet- $4 "The most famous street food in Taiwan!"

It's not like the fried chick which you can get from McDonald's or KFC. It's an authentic Taiwanese flavor with the crispy texture. It's my favorite night snack and it's the best dish that goes with alcohol. Most of the chick fillet are made of chicken breast. As you can see in the picture, the dish serves with fried basil which intensify the smell of chicken. I bet that no one can resist the smell when you pass by the stand.

Don't forget to try chicken fillet if you have the chance to go to Taiwan! We have so many different kind of flavor for chicken nuggets and chicken fillet!

There's one stand in Flushing that sells the authentic Taiwanese chicken fillet. You can order combo which serves the chicken with drinks or you can order the chicken separately.

Store: Tea Twitter

Location: 136-20 Roosevelt Ave. Booth #27, Flushing, New York 11354
Tell: (718) 886-0086
Price: $4-$10





Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bubble Tea-$3 “You must try it once in your lifetime!”

I would say bubble tea in Taiwan is like Coke in America. Everybody loves it and you have to have it at least four times per week or even everyday. To me, bubble tea is another nostalgia food because it reminds me the time back in Taiwan when I was with my friends. There are three things that are important during girl’s talk: Gossip, girls only, and bubble tea!

You can have a variety of choices. 

Thank god I found out that there’s a lot of stores that sell bubble teas in NYC! It’s not just bubble tea, you also have a lot of different choices. The best part is that sometimes you can get one and have the second one for free!

Store: Kung Fu Tea

Location: 136-20 38th Ave (at Main St) Flushing, NY 11354 
Tel:  (718) 353-0551
Price: $2-$3

留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

我喜歡一邊讀書一邊喝珍珠奶茶,你擔心,到紐約來就再也喝不到正宗珍珠奶茶嗎?? 其實在紐約有非常多的飲料店,只是有些喝起來真的...太甜或太淡..在這裡我推薦"功夫茶".撞奶系列特別好喝喔! 小叮嚀: 不要喝太多...在美國很容易胖><

Stinky Tofu-$7 “Even Andrew Zimmern couldn’t try it for more than two bites!”

Taiwan is well-known for its street foods. We have all kinds of foods that are delicious and most importantly, cheap! Stinky tofu is a must-try. Stinky tofu stinks. That’s how it got its name. To be honest, it may smell like socks which haven’t been washed for two months. But I’m totally fine with it since I grew up in Taiwan and I’m used to it. I think stinky tofu is the best for late night dessert when I’m trying to stay up late and study
since the strong order can keep me awake.

Stinky tofu is made of soy beans. It can be eaten cold, steamed, stewed, or most commonly, fried and is often accompanied by chili sauce (From: Wikipedia). Personally, I love stinky tofu when it serves in hot pot! Grew up in Taipei, but studied in Kaohsiung for my bachelor degree, I had my favorite stinky tofu spot in Kaohsiung.

福記臭豆腐 (Located in Kaohsiung)They sell all kinds of cuisine that is made of stinky tofu. 

Luckily, New York is a place that has everything! I found this restaurant which sells authentic Taiwanese food in Flushing. Each dish costs you under $10!

Restaurant: Red Chopsticks 
Location: 136-17 41 Ave, Flushing, NY 11355
Tel: (718) 353-7683
Price: $5-$20

Red Chopsticks is held by Taiwanese so the cuisine there is authentic. Their stinky tofu is juicy and it has the right texture and order. I always feel like the best way to under a different culture is to try their foods. You'll like it after a few try!


留學生省錢思鄉美食in 法拉盛!


All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast-$8 “Don’t ever catch a cold in America!”

Porridge is the best comfort food. It’s simple, but it warms your heart. It’s simple, but unforgettable.When I was in Taiwan, I always caught a cold during winter. Every time when I was sick, my mom would cook porridge with pork, egg and vegetable for me. I believe it works better than any pills.    

I like all-you-can-eat restaurants. When I was in Taiwan, I always went to all-eat-can-eat restaurants with my family. Normally we spent two to three hours eating and chatting. It was a great time for us to get together and talk.

This restaurant 潮坊 ( Chao Zhou Restaurant ) is the very first place that I went for “nostalgia foods” when I first got to New York around one year ago. The best thing is, I only spent $8 dollars for my very first meal and I was really full!

潮坊 ( Chao Zhou Restaurant )

Location: 40-52 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354

Tel: (718) 353-7683

Price: around $8 for breakfast (8am-11:30am)

It has all kinds of Chinese foods including rice porridge, Spring roll, deep-fried fluffy dough sticks, shumai, tofu, shrimp, drinks and fruits. You can choose whatever you like and you can eat as much as you want! I go to潮坊 once or twice per month whenever I feel depressed and need to be motivated. Because for me, porridge is always the best comfort food.


留學生省錢思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

本人最愛吃到飽。這家位於法拉盛得潮坊餐廳是我最愛去的一家,早午餐假日含小費十塊錢可以無限量吃到飽,燒餅油條稀飯甜粥樣樣都有,非常適合初來乍到還不太會煮飯的新手阿!!!! 小叮嚀: 一般由於早起太痛苦我都是十點半到,吃到十一點半一個小時的時間就夠你吃囉!