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Monday, September 30, 2013

Chinese Rice-pudding Zongzi- $4.5 "A traditional delicacy with Chinese history "

Long ago during what is known as the Warring States period, there was a kingdom called Chu. Qu Yuan was an important minister and he had been known for his loyalty for his country and the emperor. At that time, there were also other kingdoms in China and they had frequent wars and minor battles. Of the seven states, Chu was the largest but Qin was the strongest.

Qu Yuan always advised his king to increase the wealth of his own people and build a strong military. The king had other ministers who always said that the king should not worry and he could continue to have great fun and enjoy himself. All of them were jealous of Qu Yuan and therefore they convinced the king that Qu Yuan was actually a traitor who gave seditious advice. Because of that, the king got very angry and finally banished Qu Yuan from the state of Chu. Qu Yuan went to his hometown in the countryside and wrote poetry expressing his concern for the emperor and his country.

In 278 BC, when Qu Yuan heard that the state’s capital was captured by the enemies, he tied himself to a big rock and then threw himself into the river of Puo Luo. The people of Chu rushed to that river trying to rescue their patriotic minister but it was too late. They then threw rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river as a sacrifice to his spirit as well as to stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan’s body. Some of the people would even row down stream in a boat, shouting out loud and beating drums in the hope to scare all the fish away – this was believed that it is how the popular Dragon Boat event is related to the festival.


Nowadays, Zongzi (or simply zong) is a traditional Chinese food that we must have on Dragon Boat Festival. It's made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings including shrimp, pork,egg or mushroom and wrapped in bamboo,reed, or other large flat leaves. They are cooked by steaming or boiling.

I love Zongzi because I can try so many different kinds of fillings all at once. And I love the texture of sticky rice. The shape of Zongzi is what makes it recognizable. 
You can have Zongzi as breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even night snack. Also, besides for the story, Zongzi has another special meaning. Because the pronunciation of Zongzi is similar to win, we'll have Zongzi before any important exams to bring good lucks.

Here in New York, you can find Taiwanese Zongzi from this online retailer. It has different kinds of Zongzi. You can choose the filling that you like. Don't miss the chance to try this traditional and historical cuisine!

Store: 王家肉粽 
Tel: 646-251-3016
Price: USD$4.50/PC (MOQ: 10PCS)


留學生省錢思鄉美食in 法拉盛!
王家肉粽! 其實也是我在打這篇網誌的時候搜尋到的哈哈 道地台灣燒肉粽 在紐約思鄉的時候特別需要這種暖心的食物阿~~~~看來他們是線上訂購,並沒有實體店面,喜歡的話就去臉書上面按個贊吧!

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