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Monday, September 23, 2013

Stew Potato, Chicken and Noodle-$6 "The best food to share with your friends! "

This stew is definitely good for dinner. It serves with chicken, potato, and noodles. You can choose spicy or mild. It really depends on how spicy you can accept. There's no way that you won't feel full after finishing this giant dish. You should definitely share it with your friends or you can't finish it alone. I shared this dish with one of my girlfriends and it only cost us $6 per person!

Location: Flushing New World Mall B1
Price:  Stew $12

They have a lot of dishes including stew and hot pot. I would suggest that you share one of the dishes together. The hot pot is the best comfort food in winter. You can try different kinds of food such as shrimp, tofu, chicken, and vegetable in one dish. And it only costs you less than $10 dollar!



留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

法拉盛的新世界地下一樓是美食天堂!!!有很多便宜又好吃的中式食物,上篇介紹的蜜雪香香雞也是在新世界地下一樓喔! 這次嘗試大盤雞真是便宜又大碗,女生三個吃差不多,個人建議主食可以點麵,入味的麵條加上鬆軟的馬鈴薯是我的最愛!

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