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Monday, September 23, 2013

Chinese Bakery-$3 "It's time for moon cakes! "

This year 9/19 is Chinese Full Moon festival. It's a time for families to get together because in Chinese culture, a circle represents a reunion. Normally we have BBQ and moon cakes on Chinese Full Moon festival. Even though we're in American, still we can find the right food to celebrate this meaningful holiday.

Store: 飛達西餅 (Fay-Da Bakery)
Location: 37-11 Main St.Flushing, New York NY 11354

Price: $2-$40 (varied on different products, bread or cakes)

Fay-Da Bakery is a franchise. You can find it anywhere in Flushing, Chinatown, W4, or Forest Hills. They sell all kinds of breads and cakes. Its chicken roll is my favorite! There was one time I brought chicken roll to visit an American family. They all loved it!  It's great  to serve as appetizer or snack. Also, I highly recommend their sweet top bun. It's plain crusted top with no filling, and it's good to serve as breakfast! Both of them cost you around $2 each.

Try this and you'll fall in love with Asian tarts!



飛達西餅是我個人的最愛,朋友生日都是去飛達西餅買蛋糕的喔! 有別於美國蛋糕的死甜(這是台式用法嗎?!我中文好像越來越爛了...?) 飛達西餅的蛋糕由於是中式口味所以常適合亞洲人喔!我最愛它們的雞捲和叉燒酥了,外酥內軟熱熱的吃最好吃的了! 重點是便宜阿這價位在紐約真的是太平易近人了! 


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