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Monday, October 7, 2013

Chinese Hunan Cuisine-$10 "Especially for Spicy Food Lovers!"

To be honest, this was my first time trying Chinese Hunan cuisine! I'm not good at eating spicy food, but I really love the flavor of the dishes that we ordered. The dishes were not that spicy so it intensified the flavor of the dishes without losing the taste of the ingredients. The picture above is my favorite. It called "干鍋肥腸". It's made of pig intestine, peppers, ginger, mushrooms and some spice. This dish is around $15.

This dish is called "蘿蔔乾臘肉". It's made of salted turnip, peppers, scallion, salted pork, and chili. You can eat a lot of white rice with this salted pork. It's crunchy, spicy, salty, and irresistible. The dish is around $12.

This is one of the famous dishes of  Hunan cuisine. 
"鹹蛋黃蒸茄子". It's made of egg plant, scallion, pork and egg yolk. I like the flavor of egg plant with egg yolk. It was a perfect combination. This dish is around $12.

Finally it's the soup! Normally we'll have two or three main dishes and one soup for traditional Chinese/Taiwanese dinner. This dish is called "酸菜魚片湯". It's made of fish, mushrooms and pickled cabbage. It was nice to have this sour tasty soup after eating those spicy dishes. This dish is around $8.

I went to this restaurant in Flushing with three other girls. We ordered three main cuisine and one soup. It only cost us around $10/person! Don't forget to ask for iced water while eating the cuisine. Trust me, you'll need to drink a lot of water. But you'l definitely love it!

Restaurant :天天湘上
Address : 135-23 40th rd, Flushing, New York 11354
Tel: (718) 321-2788

留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!湖南菜,俗稱湘菜,特色就是辣辣辣! 我個人是不太會吃辣的食物,不過我覺得湘菜的辣度剛好,雖然我一度流了鼻水又流了眼淚,但還是吃不停!個人非常推薦乾鍋肥腸喔!! 脆脆的腸子加上辣辣的香料,我只能說太讚了~~~~~

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