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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fujian cuisine-$10 "My special experiences with Fujian cuisine!"

Fujian cuisine is one of the native Chinese cuisines derived from the native cooking style of Fujian province, China. Fujian-style cuisine is known to be light, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on umami taste, known in Chinese cooking as "xianwei" (simplified Chinese: 鲜味), as well as retaining the original flavor of the main ingredients instead of masking them. 
Many diverse seafoods and woodland delicacies are used, including a myriad of fish, shellfish and turtles, or such edible mushrooms and bamboo shoots, provided by the coastal and mountainous regions of Fujian.The most commonly employed cooking techniques in the region's cuisine include braising, stewing, steaming and boiling. (Wikipedia)

Chinese dishes can be very different in different regions. Even though I'm from Taiwan, having authentic Fujian cuisine was a really special experience for me. One of my friends took me to the traditional Fujian restaurant to try their authentic dishes. The picture above is their favorite dish-pickled crab! I have to admit that I never have crabs when they are! The taste was not bad, it was very fresh and I felt like I could almost taste the the river,haha.

This was another dish that really surprised me. On the menu it was called fish soup, but when it was served, I was so surprised! Though it was called the fish soup, the ingredients in there were not fish, they were pig skin with this jelly texture! My friends couldn't explain why is that. They said that they are just used it. I was shocked that the name and the food were so different! Anyway, the taste was not bad.

This was the restaurant where I tried my first Fujian cuisine. I'm introducing this two dishes because they are special and some how different from what I've had before. The restaurant also have a lot of dishes that are general, tasty and cheap!

Restaurant: 聚友樓 Friend House
135-29 40 Road Flushing, NY 11354

(718) 358-1818
Price: $5-$20


留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

福州菜~雖然同樣位於南方,台灣菜和福州菜還是有很大的不同呢! 我長這麼大第一次吃綠色的螃蟹...味道其實很鮮 加上涼拌海蜇皮其實很值得一試呢! 再來就是令我很困擾的魚片湯,魚片?! 湯裡面其實是豬皮~>< 怎麼會這樣子 ~~~~真是很特別的經驗阿!建議大家可以到法拉盛常常不同的地方菜喔!

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