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Monday, October 21, 2013

Ten Ren's Tea-$3 "The best tea you could find in New York!"

Ten Ren's Tea
 (also Tian Ren Tea; Chinese: 天仁茗茶) is a Taiwan-based company that specializes in tea and ginseng products. It was founded in 1953 and started to expand its business globally in the 1980s. Now it has stores in  AustraliaJapan, Malaysia and the U.S.

Ten Ren's Tea is well-known for its high quality tea leaves. Almost every Taiwanese knows the brand. I am a loyal customer of Ten Ren Tea. It has all kinds of different teas with different aroma and functions. The brand is reliable and trustworthy.  Find the famous Taiwanese tea products in Flushing!

Store: Ten Ren's Tea 天仁茗茶  FB: Ten Ren's Tea Time
Address: 13518 Roosevelt Ave FlushingNY 11354

Tel:  (718) 461-9305
Price: $2-$10

They also sell drinks such as bubble tea at their chain store. Try their bubbles with different tea flavors!


留學生便宜思鄉美食in 法拉盛!

天仁茗茶~~~多麼熟悉的名字阿!能在紐約找到天仁茗茶真的是太感動了!!!!!!!! 這家位於法拉盛的天仁茗茶除了賣茶葉之外也有賣飲料喔! 支持台灣老品牌~想家就去買一杯珍珠奶茶吧!


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